Speed Ramping: Your ticket to smooth slow motion
One of the coolest benefits of modern video cameras is the ability to shoot high-frame-rates. This translates to smooth, crisp, slow motion vision. This is a wonderful tool to have, but it also requires careful implementation in order to have the right impact.
Just because you’ve shot your footage in slow motion, doesn’t always mean you want to play the whole clip back that way. Slow motion is best used sparingly, otherwise everything just seems a little bit… slow. One of the best ways to implement slow-motion is with a smooth speed ramp, where the footage seamlessly transitions from real time to super-slow, or vice versa.
Achieving this effect is easy as you’ll learn in this video. However, it is an often overlooked technique, and one that even experienced editors are guilty of getting wrong.
To get the most out of this technique, you’ll need to have a solid understanding of frame rates and do some simple calculations. You’ll need to be aware of both your project frame rate and camera frame rate. You may also wish to interpret your footage after importing. This will give you a consistent base rate to start with when placing footage on your timeline.