You're probably not the first, and you probably won't be the last!

Every project has it’s own unique needs. It’s very difficult to tell you the price of a video without first asking you for a lot of detail. However, we can say that our starting point for any video is about $1200. We do offer free quotes, so please get in touch if you’d like to find out how much your project might cost. We’re also happy to work to your budget – so if you have an amount in mind, we can tell you what we are able to do for that price.

We are able to fly drones within a limited capacity under the sub-2kg commercial category as outlined by CASA. We are not drone specialists, but can offer supplementary drone footage as part of other projects (locations permitting). Should you have more complex aerial cinematography requirements we recommend you contact a drone specialist holding an ReOC. They will get you the best results and can assist with permits and local regulations. We’d be happy to point you to our recommended suppliers, or arrange one for projects that require it.

We specialise in micro-crew productions. We analyse every project to find out where we can trim the fat without compromising on quality. For example, one of our favourite tricks is shooting outdoors when the lighting is most favourable at sunset or sunrise. This allows us to get great looking images without the cost of additional lighting & crew. By adjusting to the needs of every individual project, we can eliminate any unneeded elements rather than applying a one size fits all approach.

In 2018, Deltoid Productions re-branded to Wiley Visuals. This was due to a relocation and re-structure of the business. We’ll still be putting the Deltoid Productions stamp on any surfing content we release in the future, as that is how Deltoid Productions originally began, but all other productions will now fall under the banner of Wiley Visuals.

We no longer offer wedding videography because our core focus is on B2B services. However, we can recommend some excellent local wedding videographers and photographers, so feel free to drop us a line!

We primarily use a Z-Cam 6K S35 cinema camera for most types of productions. We also have smaller Sony mirror-less cameras for specific uses, such as underwater, and a Sony FS700 – in case your production needs some super-slow-motion 1080p. If you have specific camera requirements (eg: Red), tell us, as we are able to arrange rentals if schedules and budgets allow it.

We choose the resolution that best suits the project. We are able to film everything in up to 6K resolution if required, but sometimes this is not the best option. The requirements of each individual project will determine whether we choose to shoot in 6K, 4K, or 1080p. 

We do not offer online distribution or marketing services for our videos. The reason is simple; we are not online strategists or marketers, we are creators! We stick to what we know best, rather than trying to do it all.
However, we can offer guidance about how you could distribute your video, and technical assistance in getting the files delivered in the ideal format for your chosen destination. We can also put you in touch with someone who knows a lot more about online marketing & campaign management than we do!

We specialise in video production only, because that is what we are best at. We do not offer photography packages, however we can recommend some great local photographers. We are able to extract images suitable for social media and web usage from our video footage, so let us know in advance if you’d like to arrange this.

We have a selection of suppliers from which we can choose pre-licensed music tracks at no cost. We also have access to several production music libraries, which come with additional fees, should you require something more specific. All music we supply in our videos is 100% cleared for distribution, so you can upload your video to Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or Vimeo without worrying about copyright infringement.

We do not have our own studio space. We can arrange a studio space for your shoot if required, either in Byron Bay or on the Gold Coast.

Yes! Over the past few years we’ve filmed in every state in Australia, plus Bali, Signapore, Fiji, New Zealand and Hawaii. Our passports are always up to date and our cameras are ready to be packed and checked in.

Most video production work is charged with day rates (up to 10 hours), or sometimes a half day rate. This is because even a short shoot requires lots of time planning and packing to make everything run smoothly. We simply can’t dedicate the same amount of care and time to an hourly-rate shoot.

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Get in touch and shoot us some questions!